Friday, April 4, 2008

Music & Lyrics

Today, I remembered a song that I've been wanting! It's from the movie, "Music & Lyrics" with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. I'll put a sample of the movie on this post for you to check out.

This movie definitely reminds me of Ryan and myself! It reminds me how Ryan would arrange music and when we finally have to record our voices, Ryan always tells me to "sing a little louder". I started laughing when Drew started to sing and it was really soft... that's what I do! Seriously, I don't like wearing those earphones! I can't hear myself sing.. and when I hear myself sing, it's so loud, so I don't want to sing loud...

Usually I write the lyrics to the songs and Ryan adds the music. Even though he says he's not a lyricist, I think he creates beautiful music without my help! If you check out how Hugh starts to arrange the music, that's what Ryan does too! He uses all these different instrumental sounds with his computer program and his old keyboard to create a wonderful arrangement! It makes me proud to be the wife of a very talented musician! Ryan is a blessing from God to me and I always pray that we can spend more years writing beautiful music together for God's glory!

Well, here's a clip of the movie that I found on YouTube. If you haven't seen it and want to see a chick flick, this is a good one to rent and watch with your better half or on your own :-D.

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