I just needed to blog this to remember how Ryan shows his sweetness to me. First of all, although the things he would say makes me roll my eyes because of corniness, I have to admit that it does make me smile and laugh in the outside and makes my heart happy as well..
On the way home from work last week, I decided to drive. Not sure what day it was, but its really rare that I drive home from work. Ryan usually does all the driving while I get to rest and nap from a long day at work... So while I was driving, I kept encountering drivers who just wouldn't let me get through the next lane.. some would speed up, or other cars from the other lanes would change to the lane that I needed to be on without signaling so of course if I was not the careful driver, they would have hit me!=P (Note To All: ALWAYS LOOK BEFORE CHANGING LANES - ALWAYS SIGNAL)
I was getting really frustrated with those drivers and so I started to vent out to Ryan... After venting out and a couple of minutes of silence, he says to me, "I wish I could always drive behind you." I didn't understand what that meant, so I was like, "Huh? What are you talking about?" Then he repeated it again and explained, "I wish I could drive behind you, so I can always let you get through to the next lane."
Like I said before... first I rolled my eyes.. so he starts laughing cause he saw I finally got what he was trying to say... and then I suddenly realize... this is my Ryan being romantically sweet to me! So I joined him in laughing, but had to throw in a, "you're so retarded"... =P
Ryan is like my stress reliever.. He does so much for me that sometimes I wouldn't know what I'd do without him... He's truly a gift... a blessing from God that at times I don't know how I could have been so lucky to have him as my husband...
Anyways... enough of the mushiness from me... I just wanted to record this moment because I think it would be nice to remember these "simple joys" that God gives me in my life...
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