Although miles separated them, nothing could stop the destiny of these two souls from meeting. Fred had seen Natasha on the church's GEM-Net program on television called "My Life". Natasha also happened to view Fred's profile on the "My Life" program as well. What started off as two separate stories of their individual lives has now become a story of ONE LOVE...
I'm so blessed to have my wonderful family and relatives in my life! Fred, my cousin, is one of them :). He, along with his family, traveled to the Philippines to witness (and was one of my groomsmen for) my wedding... so when he and Natasha asked me to take their photos, I humbly accepted their request. It really is an honor! Fred and Natasha are so cute together! I can really see in my cousins eyes just how much Natasha means to him. I know Natasha will take good care of Fred as well! She's PERFECT and they're both lucky to have one another!
Yesterday we hurried down to Santa Monica Pier and tried our bestest to make the most of the available light the sky had to offer us... however, we were a bit too late... the water was crazy cold... but these two were just wonderful for getting their feet and clothes wet! I had to make it up to them so we continued the engagement session this morning at Belmont Shores, CA as well as the CSULB Japanese Garden :-D.
To view the slide show, please click on the image below.

Fred and Natasha, I'm soooo excited to capture your wedding on August! We're excited to go to New Jersey and meet the other half of the family! It's going to be soo much fun! Thank you both and you know we'll be here for you both! Love love and hugs hugs!
Ate Joan & Ninong Ryan hehehehe :-D
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