I joined the yearbook staff during my last year in Carnegie Jr High School, Carson, CA and I always had a camera in hand. I remember taking photos of people and how excited I got when most of my shots made it to the final layout on the yearbook. Looking back at those years, I realized how much I enjoyed photography... it's just too bad that once the yearbook was done my camera went into hiding... until now...
There have been a number of photographers that have caught my eye and rekindled my interest in picking up the camera again. I have even started my own photography business... So this blog post is dedicated to them for inspiring me. Hopefully I'll be able to meet them all one day... I just wanted to share a couple of photographers who have given me a reason to pursue my dream!
Jasmine Star is so awesome! I love her blog site and I visit it EVERY DAY! She gives a lot of advice and has written lots of articles for photographers that I've read over and over again. I discovered her site just about 2 months ago! I emailed her a couple of times and it was sooo cool to have gotten an email back from her too!
Mike Colon is another photographer I admire. He was one of the first photographers that I was introduced to when meeting with the wedding album vendor: White Glove. Mike's name came about when I was discussing my pricing and the guy asked me why I was charging so low to do weddings! He then said, "Have you heard of Mike Colon?" When I got home, I checked out his website and I was in AWE because I wanted to take pictures like MIKE!
Richwell Correa was the one who started my interest in photography again! The photos he posts up on his myspace just grabs my attention! He's a really nice guy and a brother in the faith as well!
Last but not least,
Sarah Chen is another one who inspires me too! I love her shots! I love how the colors in her photos just pop out at you! She's another photographer I hope to meet one day... but for now, I'll just continue to visit her website!
Thank you all for your inspiration! More success to you all and if any of you do get to read this humble blog of mine... I hope to meet you one of these days and I hope to get as good as all of you!!